August 2024

Useless Information August 2024 In one hour, the heart produces enough energy to raise almost one ton of weight a yard off the ground. When a person dies, hearing is generally the last sense to go. The first sense lost is sight, followed by taste, smell, and touch....
July 2024

July 2024

Useless Information July 2024 The largest freshwater fish in the United States is the alligator gar. A 327-pound specimen was caught in the Mississippi River in 2011. The average person uses 8.6 sheets of toilet paper per trip to the bathroom and a total of...
June 2024

June 2024

Useless Information June 2024 Some polar bears turn green as a result of algae growing in their fur. A polar bear can consume up to one hundred pounds of blubber in a single sitting. The average pregnancy of an Indian elephant lasts 650 days. Lobsters come in a...
June 2024

May 2024

Useless Information May 2024 The development costs (in today’s dollars) for some of the business world’s biggest flops: Ford Edsel–$2.2 billion;  Apple’s Newton (an early PDA platform)– $1.5 billion; Sony’s Betamax–$400 million; Coca-Cola’s New Coke– $200 million and...
Useless Information April 2024

Useless Information April 2024

Useless Information April 2024 Long ago, when many people were unable to read the Bible, pictures were put in stained glass windows to remind them of the stories. There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today.  However, about 2,000 of those languages...
March 2024

March 2024

Useless Information MARCH 2024 A termite queen can live for twenty-five to fifty years, and the kings mate with the queens for life. Female red squirrels will mate with up to fourteen different males a day when in heat. A baby born in 2011 has a 50 percent chance of...