Useless Information

December 2024

    A humpback whale calf will drink up to 130 gallons of milk a day.

    The world’s largest ant colony stretches from Italy to Portugal, some 3,700 miles.

    Locust swarms can be up to ten miles wide.

    Under favorable conditions, sixty-thousand termites can consume a one-foot-long two-by-four in as little as four months.

    Below 37 miles an hour, most bugs tend to bounce off car windshields; above this speed they start to splatter.

    Citronella repels mosquitoes because it irritates their feet.

    Mosquitoes are more attracted to blonds than brunettes, and to children more than to adults.

    Goliath bird-eater tarantulas are as big as a dinner plate and, as the name implies, can eat birds.

    Borrowed by Daheap from The Essential Book of Useless Information; Don Voorhees